Day 8-Less IS More Challenge-Meal Prep


One thing I have done to help with our crazy life is meal prepping. I try and meal prep once a week and always keep in mind that schedules for us change a lot. Therefore, I don’t meal prep for a whole week, just a few days.

When I meal prep I fix enough that I can eat the first night after its made, refrigerate the second night, and freeze the third night.  I also make enough for a few days for lunch for Paul and I.

I usually pick up a meat of some sort, potatoes (sweet and regular), corn, carrots, asparagus, broccoli, squash, and zucchini. I cook it all up the first night and divide into containers.

I will also make up a fruit salad using cantaloupe, black and blueberries, pineapple, peaches, apples, grapes, and strawberries. I split the bowl of fruit and freeze half.

You are more likely to eat what you’ ve spent time prepping and eating out less if it’s all prepped.

I have gotten bored quickly if I continue to make the same items.

So, do you have any other meal prep recipe ideas?  Please share!
