There are many reasons I could write what I hate about snow. Actually, I think there are more reasons to hate it than not. But, then you get those few that make it some what worth it, like these smiles. Melts me.
1) It means it has to be cold to snow. I hate the cold. Point blank. I wish I lived somewhere warm and sunny everyday.
2) I don’t get snow days at work. However, as the boss I am torn between the policy of being open (if Walmart is open per corporate we are open) and the safety of my staff. There is usually a ton of call-ins and staff that are not happy. We are usually slow and profit is not happening. The risk of anyone driving and getting injured on the way or home, and the risk of being sued because of falls weighs on my mind.
3) It produces wet laundry and tracks on wooden floors. Enough said.
4) Snow days at school. Rounding up sitters are not an issue for us since I have a child that is old enough to stay home and the other has her own personal sitter that is fabulous and flexible. For most this isn’t easy for parents.
5) When it snows it pretty but the aftermath is horrific, muddy, and not pretty.
6) Our town doesn’t plow our subdivision very well. Which kind of sucks since we pay a nice chunk for taxes. We live on a cul-de-sac. They stop right up to it.
7) Frostbite-doesn’t matter how many layers.
(Hunter Boots are AMAAAZING. I suggest the boot socks to warm your feet even more)
8) Snow ball fights. Fun to watch, but me I don’t like to be hit with one but I will throw one back!
10) Kids like to eat snow. Moms don’t like kids to eat snow.
She kept licking her gloves
(I will NEVER love it)
1) It is gorgeous when it comes down. It is most pretty when no one has walked or drove on it. More beautiful on the trees for sure. This is our back yard and lake. Beautiful!
2) My kids love snows days. It’s fun and there’s no school. Enough said.
3) It reminds me of my childhood. The fun hills to slide down which were huge where I lived. I had 4 siblings that made it fun. I think when you are a kid, snow doesn’t feel cold. I loved my childhood years. Before I turned 11 were some of the best memories of my life.
4) A great reason to turn on the fireplace.
5) Snow angels of course!
6) Snow-sometimes it means no place to go but stay in and relax.
7) Snow kisses (not sure why I can never find my good hats when I need them, had to resort to Paul’s deer hunting one)
8) You can get some really cool pictures in the snow.
9) Sledding. Some people take their sledding seriously. Four wheelers and sometimes hooking them up to their trucks.
Do you Love or Hate snow? And why?